You heard me right... I mooed. But all for a good cause!! I have been procrastinating on ordering business cards for myself for a lonnnnnng time now. In fact, these could pretty much come in handy for lots of things, however, anytime I have needed my business card in the past.... I have to tear off a crumpled piece of paper and scribble my info down there. Not.very.businesslike. So
NOW I will not have to embarrass myself anymore. YEAH!! I found this site:
Moo I ordered lots of mini business cards for that off chance that someone still wants or needs my now-dormant craftiness. I have done so many client albums, scrapbooks, invitations and cards in the past and now I can look legitimate (well... at least a little). :) Take a look at there adorable designs...there is truly something for everyone. Here were some of my favorites for my needs:

Just because I feel like the ever so awesome Wonder Woman on some days!!

How could I pass the giraffe up, right?

Adorable felt and plastic holders for holding these adorable mini business cards:

Cute idea for a small boutique, small etsy business or as a promotion....

A promo code for first time customers is 2RB2CK It will get ya 15% OFF your entire order!! ;)