1. Child abduction...what can I say... it's my biggest nightmare....
2. The dentist.... I literally have a HUGE phobia of these people....
3. SLOTHS.... yes... I know they are docile,tree dwelling, herbivores that live in Central and South America... but the nails really are creepy.... not to mention their weird hair and faces...BLECK
Creepy, right? You should see these things walk on the ground.... DOUBLE BLECK....
4.CREEPY/SCARY clowns.... or Ronald McDonald... must have been traumatized by him when I was younger. And you can thank Poltergeist and Stephen King's IT for the scary ones....5. Heights.... in the following manner of speaking... this just makes my stomach hurt looking at these pictures.....
I have seen this in person and would have to say that it made me weak to even THINK about doing that....
6. POTATO BUGS.... or Jerusalem Crickets.... NO THANKS!! I have my Dad to thank for this one. We would go up to Northern California on trips and he LOVED to point these hideous things out wherever we went. EWWWWW. And yes... they get their own category....7. Most insects don't bother me.... here are a few that DO:
8. Dolls... especially a lot of creepy old dolls...again... thanks to horror flicks and my Mom's love for creepy dolls growing up.....
9. Alice In Wonderland.... creepy movie, creepy plot... and animals that talk? That is just scary and weird.... not to mention the movie they originally made....
10. LIGHTNING... this wasn't a real issue until we moved to Colorado....after Trafton was struck on DAY TWO of living here, I started taking the stuff a little more serious. It gets pretty crazy in Castle Rock on some days. Beautiful... but scary.
And that folks.... are my Top 10 FEARS....
OMG! I can't stop laughing~!!
Sorry I contributed to your horrors, but honestly, afraid of my dolls? LOL!! Now I know what to put on your inheiritance list!
I never really thought about sloths, but now that you mention it, they are pretty ugly....but you can always outrun them...
Ok, so I will list mine minus the icky pictures....here goes,
1 losing a child before my own death
2 going to prison/jail...I would never last
3 snakes of any kind
4 heights, I hear ya sister...can't even do the upper level of the mall without losing my stomach!
5 dying any kind of painful death
6 scary movies...hate them!
7 airplane turbulence
8 any kind of bug or spider that might crawl in my ear while I am asleep
9 someone breaking into my house at night
10 drowning
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