I am indeed still alive.... Thought you lost me there for a second? :) I have been studying diligently for my vascular boards again.... in 6 days....
AGHHHHHHH!!!! I have a
house guest, Miss Paulette (super sweet friend from high school), staying with me for a few days....
Trafton and I celebrating our 11 years of marriage this month.... remodeling some of our house....cheering on Mason's baseball team as they are headed to the World Series of Little League... currently in 2
nd place and I am NOT a calm mom while I watch him... I am way too nervous and competitive. Shame on me!! Looking forward to summer (since we just had a foot of snow a few days ago....), and preparing to see both my Mom and Dad in June!! YEAH! So that had been my life lately.... if and WHEN I pass this test on the 25
th.... I will feel like a new woman. I have so many pictures to upload and share... just need to clone myself as I have often said.
One small obsession lately is trying to find a unique coat rack.... we use them A LOT here for some reason. My Grandma had an awesome wooden, standing coat rack growing up and now I want one. However, I come across all of these cool wall coat racks and I get stumped.... We need some though... bad... so I sit here and peruse the web instead of studying.... OK... I gotta go. Just wanted to check in. And I have a mini album I did that is cute too. So lots of posts forthcoming.... but after my test.... K?

Here are some of my latest WANTS from Crate and Barrel.... We are looking for something in our front hallway to store coats, shoes, backpacks etc....
For Miss Molly...

And these candles WILL be outside in my patio once the weather starts STAYING warm...

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