New GI JOE backpack..... cool "big kid" shirt..... his long, shaggy hair.... and butterflies in his stomach..... Mason did GREAT on his first new day at school. He is at a year round school now and he started late so he was in school for 4 days and now off for 3 weeks. I told him not to get used to that schedule!! He has made 2 new buddies and the neighbor kids love the boys!! We are in a great neighborhood of kids and people are happy to see the house occupied after being vacant for 5 months. We are settling in nicely.
Awww ...adorable, miss you guys so so much. Glad you are settling in ok, and PLEASE send some pics of the inside of your house when you get all unpacked, would love to see more. Give the boys a hug from me and my Mason. Talk to you soon.
AHHH MA MA IS SO STINKIN CUTE!!! Reading this and hopefully many more soon, this is where i start to cry, cause your life is going on ahead without all of us californians....bwahhhhh ah hugh, sniff sniff, BWWAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!
He is so handsome and glad you are settling in. Keep up on the blog so we can hear and see what you have been up too. Love ya.
Tom Cruise looks so handsome and hope he had a great first day!!!
I was wondering how you all were doing and a lil' bird at Allen Ave. told me about your blog. It was neat to catch up on your move and see the amazing photos you've taken! What an adventure your move to CO has already been!
Please give Mason a big hello from his old teacher and tell him that I hope he has an amazing year in 2nd grade!
Miss you guys...
Miss Good :)
He's gotten soooo big! waaaahhhh- I think I'm sad :( I definitely need to come see you (hmmm... those darn spiders.... maybe you should come visit ME again lol).
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